DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Envision a vibrant future as a Doctoral talent

Why does Kanazawa University focus on fostering and producing doctoral human resources?
In the modern era, social and industrial structures are undergoing major transformations, and social challenges are piling up due to complex and multi-layered causes. In such a society, the progress of science and technology, and the creation of innovations are the foundation and driving force for the sustainable development both in Japan and around the world. Therefore, society is now in great need of doctoral students with resilience and flexibility who have a wide view and a willingness to take on challenges in different fields boldly. Furthermore, those doctoral students are expected to have a deep field of expertise and various experiences acquired through their research. A doctorate is also an important passport for the next 40 years or more of your professional life in academia, industry, and society, both in Japan and overseas.

It is one of the significant missions for KU to strengthen the functions of the graduate school, and thereby enhance its research capabilities. It is safe to say that it would be a mission as an educational and research university to continue to nurture and train outstanding doctoral talents who will play a leading role in the future society with the ability to open up unknown fields.

“Kanazawa University Strategic Project for Development of Doctoral Students and Research Promotion” supports aspiring doctoral students with all its’ power. I would like you to acquire the hard-earned value that comes with being a doctoral talent. That’s why you can pioneer brilliant fields of activity for yourselves. Your achievements and experiences in doctoral course will become your bread and butter, and the time will surely come when you can realize the unlimited possibilities that lie ahead of you. I hope that many of you will participate in this Project, co-create, work hard, encourage each other with many colleagues, then refine your potential.


Director, Executive Committee for Kanazawa University Strategic Project for Development of Doctoral Students and Research Promotion/
Trustee (General Overview, University Reform, Education, and Information) & Vice President

Eligible Graduate Schools/CoursesM, Master’s Level Section of Integrated Course / Master’s Course; D, Doctoral Level Section of Integrated Course; MD, 4-year Doctoral Course

HaKaSe+ for WISE
CONTRIBUTE to the foundations of human health by integrating "Nano" science and interdisciplinary research

WISE Program for Nano-Precision Medicine, Science, and Technology

  • Natural Science and Technology, M&D
  • Medical Sciences, M&D/MD
  • Advanced Preventive Medical Sciences, MD
  • Frontier Science Initiative, M&D

●Project for 5-year integrated doctoral course (consisting of 2-year Master's Level Section of Integrated Course / Master's Course and 3-year Doctoral Level Section of Integrated Course) or 4-year Doctoral Course in medicine or pharmacy.

●Based on nanoscience, this project aims to foster "nano-precision medicine professionals strong in technology” and “nano-precision science and technology professionals strong in medicine".

●[Title to be added to the diploma] Completion of WISE Program for Nano-Precision Medicine, Science, and Technology

Contents of support

Content of project Degree course
Capacity 12 / fiscal year
Support period
(in principle)
For 5 years consisting of 2 years of
Master’s Level Section of Integrated Course /
Master’s course and 3 years of Doctoral
Level Section of Integrated Course,
or for 4
years of 4-year Doctoral Course;
within standard period of courses
Contents of
Master’s Level
Section of
Integrated Course
/ Master's Course
Grant for
living expenses
per month
50,000 yen
(in principle)
RA salary ca. 360,000 yen
per year maximum
Doctoral Level
Section of
Integrated Course
/ Doctoral Course
Grant for
living expenses
per month
180,000 yen
(in principle)
Research fund
per year
400,000 yen
RA salary ca. 240,000 yen
per year maximum
(Only for those in the first year of
4-year Doctoral Course)
Support for travel expenses, etc. Support unique to the project available
Exemption of Admission fee Full exemption
Exemption of Tuition fee Full exemption
HaKaSe+ for SPRING
ASPIRE to be a doctoral talent who co-creates novel values for the future

SPRING Project for Doctoral Talents in Creating Novel Values

  • All Divisions with Doctoral Level Section of Integrated Course / Doctoral Course

●This project fosters innovative doctoral talents in KU co-educational environment through co-creation and exchanges of knowledge, who can develop their advanced expertise in diverse sectors and fields of society, and create novel values for the future.

●This project focuses on supporting excellent and aspiring doctoral students with a wide view that is transcends their own research field, as well as attitude and capability to take on challenges to face social issues. These doctoral talents are expected to contribute to the progress of science and technology, and the creation of innovations not only in Japan but around the world.

Contents of support

Content of project Support for research and career formation
Capacity around 160 (Total for the year)
Support period
(in principle)
Within standard period of Doctoral Level Section of Integrated Course
or of 4-year Doctoral Course
Contents of
Master’s Level
Section of
Integrated Course
/ Master's Course
Grant for
living expenses
per month
RA salary
Doctoral Level
Section of
Integrated Course
/ Doctoral Course
Grant for
living expenses
per month
180,000 yen
Research fund
per year
400,000 yen
RA salary
Support for travel expenses, etc. Support unique to the project available
Exemption of Admission fee
Exemption of Tuition fee Half exemption
HaKaSe+ for BOOST
LEAD to accelerate Next-generation AI Research and Innovation

BOOST Project for Trailblazing AI Crossover Doctoral Talents

  • All Divisions with Doctoral Level Section of Integrated Course / Doctoral Course

●This project fosters doctoral talents who promote cutting-edge AI theoretical research and AI applied research in various research fields, backed by advanced AI knowledge and skills, and lead next-generation AI research and development.

●This project provides support for truly talented doctoral students having the qualifications to take on challenges in the AI academic field with an inquisitive spirit and advance creative AI research.

Contents of support

Content of project Promoting cultivation of doctoral talents and
cutting-edge research and development in both AI field and emerging/integrated areas
in AI field (Next-generation AI field)
Capacity 2 / fiscal year
Support period
(in principle)
Within standard period of Doctoral Level Section of Integrated Course
or of 4-year Doctoral Course
Contents of
Master’s Level
Section of
Integrated Course
/ Master's Course
Grant for
living expenses
per month
RA salary
Doctoral Level
Section of
Integrated Course
/ Doctoral Course
Grant for
living expenses
per month
250,000 yen
Research fund
per year
900,000 yen
RA salary
Support for travel expenses, etc. Support unique to the project available
Exemption of Admission fee
Exemption of Tuition fee Half exemption
Preliminary Selection of HaKaSe+
PURSUE the road of a doctoral talent

Preliminary Selection of Kanazawa University Strategic Project for Development of Doctoral Students and Research Promotion

  • All Divisions with Master's Level Section of Integrated Course / Master’s Course

●This is a system that supports students enrolling in the Master's Level Section of Integrated Course / Master's Course, who wish to play an active role after obtaining a doctoral degree, and who pledge to go on to the Doctoral Level Section of Integrated Course of KU after finishing the Master's Level Section of Integrated Course / Master's Course; they are considered as preliminary awardees.

●Preliminary awardees are required to pass the selection screening after they pass the entrance examination for the Doctoral Level Section of Integrated Course of the relevant division of the graduate school, and then will be awardees of the Project.

Contents of support

Capacity ca. 10 / fiscal year
Support period
(in principle)
Within standard period of Masteri's Level Section of Integrated Course / Master's Course
Contents of financial support Exemption of Admission fee Full exemption (Only for those enrolling in the year and month selected for HaKaSe+)
Exemption of Tuition fee Full exemption
  • Chart of Support Contents (Apply to FY2024)